Skin Pen - Uncover your best skin.

Before & After

  • SkinPen is a medical-grade microneedling device used for skin rejuvenation. It creates controlled micro-injuries in the skin to stimulate collagen production and improve texture. The treatment is customizable and can target various skin concerns. SkinPen has minimal downtime, and multiple sessions may be recommended for optimal results.

  • Neck wrinkles and Acne Scars.

  • Benefits include: stimulates collagen and elastin production for improved skin elasticity and firmness, enhances skin texture, reducing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, minimizes the appearance of acne scars and promotes skin healing, improves skin tone and addresses pigmentation issues, versatile application on various areas of the face and body.

  • Typically we recommend 3+-6 treatments.

  • 1 hour.

  • 24 hours.

  • 1: $300

    3: $750